The news is all over the planet now about someone who may or may not be the above character who may or may not have had a particularly bad evening yesterday and who may or may not see winter when it finally comes.
It's extremely perplexing to me the amount of tweets out there last night along the lines of, "Hey, stop with the spoilers we're on the west coast!" or, "What?!! REALLY?!! NOOO! [insert spoiler screenshot here]" or, "Argghhh, I knew I should have stayed off social media tonight!"
Yes, you got it, you should have.
The chances of a major TV show event happening and not being mentioned on the digital channels are higher than Jon Snow learning his lines for season 6. And that's pretty damn low.
I hate spoilers. With a passion. To me, the whole episode is wasted if you know the outcome already. It's like reading the last few pages of a book. Horrible.
We all know that it's addictive to idly flip through your Twitter stream, or scroll down your Facebook page in case you "miss something." But lots of people like to immediately break the news of what they've just watched, and once your eye catches that snippet of digital info it's all over.
So ... just unplug for a few hours. What can be so important in social media that you can't tune out for a little while (if you're not watching a live event) and avoid all mentions of it?
Tape it, sit outside, listen to the evening or something. Go back in and DO NOT LOOK AT SOCIAL MEDIA OR NEWS CHANNELS and then enjoy the show, spoiler free.
Not having read the GoT books, I was pretty shocked last night. And it felt great!