It's sad, so sad
It's a sad, sad situation
And it's getting more and more absurd
It's sad, so sad
Why can't we talk it over
Oh it seems to me
That disruption seems to be the hardest word
With apologies to Elton John and Bernie Taupin, I substituted one word in their sublime song to lead off today's blog post. Was going to cover disruption yesterday, but social media people with fleshy, flawed faces was more timely.
Disruption is the word of the times right now. It seems that to make your mark, be seen as different, or be valued at $billions, then you have to be disruptive, or disrupt something.
By the magic that is Google, I looked up the definition:
- To throw into confusion or disorder
- To interrupt or impede the progress of
- To break apart or alter so as to prevent normal or expected functioning
These all seem quite negative to me. I have a better word ... to be revealed ... keep reading!
So I want to create a web service, say, something to do with transport that improves on the traditional way of doing things. If the buzz is that I'm disrupting that industry, then technically I'm "throwing it into confusion or disorder" or "impeding its progress" or "to break apart or alter" (that's a little closer, granted).
I would prefer to say supersede:
- To cause to be set aside
- To force out of use as inferior
- To take the place or position of
- To displace in favor of another
These speak more closely to what the new web service is trying to achieve. To improve on something, rather than slow it down or break it.
Just my thoughts.