No. No, it won't.
The above is a perfect example of a clickbait headline = something that is created specifically to tempt you to follow the link. You can even create your own one here. (And thanks Karim Kanji for today's inspiration on Facebook, it got me thinking!)
Most good writers can craft a headline that sells, or draws the viewer to a certain digital location. But that's 50% of the equation. It's what they do then that really counts.
For example, you manage a massive website. Tons of pages, all full of good, relevant content. But oftentimes your visitor won't enter through the beautifully laid out home page, designed with their usability front of mind. They may have been led there via another site using some clickbait or similar.
Do you think they are disappointed when they get to your web page because the promised amazing content is just not delivered? You look like a hash tag FAIL, and website visitors don't like to be tricked. (As mentioned in my other blog post, they now have an attention span less than that of a goldfish and you have to act fast!)
The trick is to look at your analytics and see where those visitors are coming from. Then add a quick bit of copy to the page in question (similar to a 404 error page) that recognizes the fact this might not be exactly what they were expecting (as indicated from the original, external link), but "click the logo" [or something] and take them back to the home page. (Or the real destination page that you had in mind to help them as being more relevant.)
It might take a bit of work to get those in place, but the extra step to show willing and get website visitors to where they need to be shows foresight and appreciation for a new, potential customer or client.