If you can be bothered to read to the end of this sentence, which will probably take around 9 seconds depending on the amount of words used, you'll discover that, in fact, a goldfish now has a longer attention span than you.
It's a bit of a conundrum because if you gave up after 8.25 seconds, you might not even be reading this because you have clicked off to something more interesting.
Think a wormhole just opened up somewhere.
Anyway, the clever number crunchers over at the Statistic Brain Research Institute have some data on attention span statistics.
Highlights include:
- The average attention span in 2000 = 12 seconds
- The average attention span in 2015 = 8.25 seconds
- The average attention span of a goldfish = 9 seconds
So, basically, in a nutshell and to sum it up -- a goldfish concentrates more on stuff than you do now.
Further down their page are some quick stats on how long people view a website page for and the per cent of words read on web pages with 111 words or less.
Thought it was a quick little fun fact for a Thursday afternoon.
Brands ... you have 8.25 seconds to get their attention starting ... NOW!